Fair pricing.

Pay per pageview and event. Average usage of the last 3 months.

Select the expected monthly pageviews



1,000 pageviews / events



For hobby projects and personal websites.


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  • 1 user
  • Community support


Everything you need to get you started.


Start now
  • 1 user
  • Up to 3 websites
  • Goals dashboard
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Work together on growing your business.


Start now
  • Everyting from Simple
  • Up to 5 users
  • Up to 10 websites
  • Admin API
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When you want to jump on a call.

Contact us

Contact sales
  • Everyting from Team
  • Separated data storage
  • Multiple teams (agency)
  • Combined invoicing
  • Manual invoicing
  • Contract redlining
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Frequently Asked Questions.

What are free websites?

As part of using a free website, it's required to display our badge in the footer and your dashboard must be public. While çadding our script, you should also add the badge. When you add the website to our dashboard we check for the badge. When your badge is missing later on, we will warn you and give you a grace period to add it. If you don't add it, we will delete the website and its data.

Will I be charged when my trial expires?

No. After your trial expires, your plan downgrades automatically to the free plan. If you're exceeding usage limits of the free plan, we disable your dashboards until you are within the limits of the free plan, or when you select a plan.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept Credit Card, Debit Card, Bitcoin +10% & yearly, Apple Pay, and Google Pay as payment methods for all our paid plans. You can pay in Euros, US Dollars or British Pounds. Bills from $500 can be paid via bank transfers and cost an additional 10% in banking and service fees.

What will happen to my charges when my traffic grows / declines?

You monthly fee will match your usage. Drag the slider to see what you pay for a certain amount of data points. Simple Analytics automatically calculates your data points (first looking back one month, then the average of the previous three months).

So, if you had an increase in traffic during the past three months, you pay only a little more next month. Likewise, you automatically pay a little less when your average amount of page views decreased during the last months.

How does that work with the yearly plans?

When you choose yearly, you estimate your traffic after your trial. We send you an email when you go over your limit, you have one week to increase your limit. Otherwise, we'll do it for you. To prevent extra invoices during the year, set your limit high enough. After the year, your datapoints will be reset to zero.

Can I cancel anytime?

Yes. You can cancel your subscription at any moment. You will still have access to your account and data until the end of the period you paid for.

Need more help? Please send us your question(s) via our support page.

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